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About Me

Hey there! I'm Edward, a software engineer in the payments space. I'm passionate about building high-impact software.

Recently, I've been avidly following F1 and the incredible technology behind the sport. I've also been playing some chess.

Feel free to reach me at edwhuang (at) umich (dot) edu or at the form below!


Software Engineer, Amazon Web Services

September 2022 - Present

• Foreign Exchange

Software Engineer Intern, Amazon Web Services

May 2021 - August 2021

• Payment Processing

Research Assistant, Advised by Mohammed Saeed

October 2019 - April 2020

• Developed website served on Amazon Web Services displaying electrocardiograms (ECG) to improve accessibility for Michigan Medicine doctors to thousands of patient ECG records

Full Stack Intern, Wonders Information Company

May 2019 - July 2019

• Implemented website registration functionality for proposed construction projects and review system for approval of projects serving millions of users
• Identified, documented, and fixed bugs through testing of website and created mockups for new features

iOS Software Engineering Intern, RollOut Deliveries

July 2018 - September 2018

• Achieved MVP peer-to-peer food delivery iOS application in 12 weeks
• Designed and implemented Uber/Lyft-style map UI using Google Maps API, online shopping flow, and facilitated implementation of secure transactions using the Stripe API

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